

There aren't words to describe just how good it felt to visit Grandma and Grandpa today in city-about-an-hour-South-of-here. We sat and talked for awhile, and the word "engaged"was used in front of Echo's family for the first time; we had the best chicken soup I've ever had; Echo and I taught Grandma and Grandpa how to play Mexican Train dominoes; and we had TURTLE TRACKS ICE GREAM!!!!!!

It's truly amazing the degree to which spending time with family and having fun can outright remove any Devlin that may be going on in your life from the realm of the conscious (Echo and I just recently saw Just Go With It).

It is now late and I am desirous of sleep. Maybe I will tell you ("you" meaning the ONE person who both reads this blog AND doesn't know) about the Devlin that's going on lateer. Like in the next post I make.


Seriously, stop reading now.

Oh, right.

That WOULD be easier if I stopped typing, wouldn't it?

I'm tired...


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