

Amazing that it's taken this long to make my first post of 2011.

Recently I have been getting as much sleep as though it were perpetually finals week, and it haz been about that quality, too.the other day I was finally able to fall asleep at about 0545, with my alarm going off at 0630. I'm frickin tired.

Now I find myself in a boring class wherein the instructor is teaching a DIFFERENT class while we sit and wait for him to get to a stopping point so he'll turn his attention to us. Because having an 0800-1000 class and a 1000-1200 class just doesn't make sense. Instead, the obvious solution is to have both classes show up for a 0800-1200 class twice a week and spend half of that time waiting our turn for the instructor.

My comic is coming along. My second fully fleshed out strip has the bqckgrounds in place, and is scripted, not in that order.

I really hate this class...