
Double Kill!

Alright, so I never expected to post again this soon, but then again, I never expected to have a twitter or, years ago, a facebook, so I'm just going to roll with it.

Darn it all, I took so long to reconfigure the blog page that I forgot what was bugging me. Oh, well...

I applied for a job at bungie today, but chances are extremely high that if you're reading this you are my friend on facebook and/or follow me on Twitter, so you already knew that.

I feel under qualified, but hey, the worst they can do is not hire me, and most of Bellevue has already done that, so how bad can it be? On the other hand, how much fun would it be to miss class for a few days because I'm flying up to Washington (state, not D.C.) to interview for my dream job?

I've also discovered that I will be featured in a webcomic my friend is starting over at fm1337kpwn.smackjeeves.com and will be portrayed by the sprite for the final fantasy red mage. While I'm thinking of it, if you haven't, go check out MY webcomic, This Is Not The Webcomic You're Looking For, located at tintwylf.smackjeeves.com.

And on that shameless plug of a dissonant note, I end the post. See? I said they wouldn't be so long usually!

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